This year, the VVE celebrates its 45th anniversary with a special interactive concert. More information will follow. Stay tuned!
Voorburgs Vocaal Ensemble
The Voorburgs Vocaal Ensemble is a chamber choir consisting of 26 enthusiastic and dedicated members. The choir was founded in 1978 and since 1987 Marijke van Klaveren has been the choir’s inspirational leader and conductor. More info about the choir »
Upcoming concerts
(Nederlands) Passie concert
16 April
Kerkelijk centrum “De Regenboog”(Nederlands) middagconcert Koningkerk
29 June
Koningkerk(Nederlands) concert met Con Passione
8 November
Oude Kerk(Nederlands) concert met Con Passione
9 November
Sint-Petruskerk(Nederlands) kerstconcert Charlois
12 December
Oude Kerk Charlois